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Mobile Marketing Holiday Season Success Playbook 

The holiday shopping craze is in full force with the 2023 holiday season expecting to bring in $1.3 trillion in retail revenue in the US! Because of this swing in spending, marketers can all agree that Q4 is a key time to double down on budgets for high performing growth campaign results.
This holiday season, YouAppi has teamed up with Newton to gift you a playbook that provides insights on the value of complimenting mobile app retargeting strategies alongside Apple Search Ads to enhance brandsโ€™ iOS app store visibility. 
Download the guide today to learn: 
๐ŸŒŸ Key Q4 2023 shopping trends - and how to  maximize return this holiday season!
๐ŸŒŸ The benefits of a user acquisition strategy that leverages Apple Search Ads
๐ŸŒŸ Best practices for running highly successful retargeting campaigns this quarter
'Tis the season to hit those 2023 growth goals! Let us help you, with the gift of Mobile Growth Holiday Success!